
Sunday, June 19, 2011

OH a camping we will go!!

Hello Readers! First off I must say thank you to all of my readers, the responses I have been getting to this blog are so wonderful. It is really nice to know people are reading :) Secondly, I have to say I am sorry for not writing last Sunday, it was not because I forgot, I just had some pretty serious life stuff happening.

So here it is!! Some of the amazing decorations I have created for my classroom next year.

Let's get right to it :)
This is my sign for my literacy centre (all the buckets and the carpet will be blue) 

 This is my sign for my door (it will say 3rd grade on the top, I just wanted it to be versatile)

This is an awesome idea I thought up (pat myself on my back). I usually use a bowl of ice cream to give a visual for the way to achieve different levels, but because we are camping, I decided to use SMORES!! 

Washroom Passes

Some Random little cute guy I made

Homework labels (they say Math and Language)

These labels are for my rainy day games, each one is in a different bin

These are labels for Daily 5

This is a sign that I downloaded from Beth Newingham's Site, and I put it on a piece of pretty cardstock

So that is it for now, I hope everyone is just as excited as I am!!! (although I don't see how that is possible)

Today instead of posting pics of my baked goods, I thought I would post the cards that I made for Father's day. I got the idea from a random picture I saw online (I don't even remember where it was), and I thought .. Hey.. I can make that!!! So I did!!
Presenting the BBQ card (complete with Lindor chocolates at the fire).. sorry for the blurry-ness.. we were driving to Father's day brunch when I was taking the pics!!

Until next time!!


  1. Love all this! You are going to be so organized! Can you come over and organize my house too?

  2. your new house!!?? I'll be there in a flash ;)

  3. Omg! I wish I had a teacher who themed her classroom as a camp-out!!! I love all your decorations (which look like they were bought might I add!) and ideas - you're so exciting. I'd be willing to do third grade over again, hehe. I'm going to have to visit for sure and shadow you some more! I'm so excited for you (and the kids - they're going to luck out!)!
