
Sunday, June 19, 2011

OH a camping we will go!!

Hello Readers! First off I must say thank you to all of my readers, the responses I have been getting to this blog are so wonderful. It is really nice to know people are reading :) Secondly, I have to say I am sorry for not writing last Sunday, it was not because I forgot, I just had some pretty serious life stuff happening.

So here it is!! Some of the amazing decorations I have created for my classroom next year.

Let's get right to it :)
This is my sign for my literacy centre (all the buckets and the carpet will be blue) 

 This is my sign for my door (it will say 3rd grade on the top, I just wanted it to be versatile)

This is an awesome idea I thought up (pat myself on my back). I usually use a bowl of ice cream to give a visual for the way to achieve different levels, but because we are camping, I decided to use SMORES!! 

Washroom Passes

Some Random little cute guy I made

Homework labels (they say Math and Language)

These labels are for my rainy day games, each one is in a different bin

These are labels for Daily 5

This is a sign that I downloaded from Beth Newingham's Site, and I put it on a piece of pretty cardstock

So that is it for now, I hope everyone is just as excited as I am!!! (although I don't see how that is possible)

Today instead of posting pics of my baked goods, I thought I would post the cards that I made for Father's day. I got the idea from a random picture I saw online (I don't even remember where it was), and I thought .. Hey.. I can make that!!! So I did!!
Presenting the BBQ card (complete with Lindor chocolates at the fire).. sorry for the blurry-ness.. we were driving to Father's day brunch when I was taking the pics!!

Until next time!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sometimes my ideas are corn-y

What a week I've had! It has been highly eventful, and also very exciting! It all started with the annual garage sale held in my community. Of course I was on a mission to find decor items and other things for my classroom next year (if you don't know me, next year will be my first year in all of my 5 years teaching that I will have MY OWN room. No sharing, no one else's stuff in it. Mine!!! Yay!). I found some amazing items, and of course they have to all be gigantic. Luckily my mom has a massive car, and was able to pick them up and drop them off at school for me. They include a rug (very clean living room rug 10 x 12 and only $20!!), 2 brown covered ottomans ($4), a child's drafting table (newly restored, and in perfect condition $8), and lots of great kids chapter books. What a great find!! I have been looking for a classroom rug for quite some time, and even the ones on Kijiji and craigslist are very expensive, so I think I really lucked out.
The only big pieces I still need are a small bookshelf, and a blue rug. I am also very interested in getting a wooden mailbox to put homework and notes into, but they are a little expensive. Not too bad though :)

After I got those hauled up to my classroom and stored them as neatly as I could, I started talking to a colleague of mine who currently teaches grade 3. She said she was looking over some of my LRP (long range plans) for next year, and they were great, but I needed to be more specific. I needed to just be able to grab the lessons off the shelf and teach them. This is good advice. I mean I am very psyched about next year, why not harness that energy into making the year go by very smoothly?
So I have literally been working on that all week. Nothing too interesting, nothing fun, just breaking down the curriculium, and comparing it to my teaching resources. I have an amazing soil unit planned right now, and I have done some research on vermicomposting (if anyone has experiences with this please let me know). I think her advice was really amazing, because I am looking at my plans in a whole new way. I have been able to tie my soil unit into our camping theme, and get some really great first nations stories about soil too.

I topped off this week by getting my first ever wasp sting (he got me twice on the same arm!) and then finding out that I am allergic to wasp stings, and now need to carry an epi pen with me at all times. Yikes! Life gives you curveballs sometimes!

I have been using my cricut a lot this weekend, and I know this is a bit of a teaser, because I am not posting anything just yet. But trust me. It will be much better when I post everything at the same time. I will give myself a deadline of next weekend. So please stay tuned!

My wonderful Aunt and Uncle have just moved back to Canada from their 11 year journey on a tropical island. This week they came over to our house for dinner and of course I had to make a beautiful dessert to commemorate their homecoming! We had one of our first BBQ dinners on this night, chicken and ribs! So what better way to celebrate than dessert of corn on the cob. Enjoy!