
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My thoughts are in a binder? Or maybe a T.V. dinner

One of the components of the CAFE book is organizing your student records.. I (the super Keener) have made my student record binder for next year.
It is called a Pensieve, and you Harry Potter Fans might get the reference. This connection was made by a student and explained in the CAFE book. A pensieve is a place where Dumbledore kept all his important thoughts. He would take them out of his brain and put them into a pot. Just like what teachers do with their record book... Keep their thoughts about how a student is reading in a book. Genius!! I wanted to be original.. I really did.. and I used all my creative thoughts and focus to come up with another name... but that connection was too perfect for me to resist.
and so...

the Pensieve

(yes I left out an "e", but we all make mistakes right??- it will be fixed before school starts.. I promise)

Also... note the large amount of books piled behind the binder... I am still leveling and organizing my library.. it's a work in progress

There it is.. isn't it beautiful? But what is in this binder you ask? WELL!!!! Let me tell you!!!
It is organized into some main sections, and then there is a section for all students. The main section has wonderful things like a list of all reading strategies, and cheat sheets explaining how to help children who are reading in a specific way, and a calendar where you can book appointments for students to come for their one on one reading session.
In the individual student section it has a log where you can plunk in the strategies the student is doing well with, and some that the student needs to work on.
But best of all, the CAFE book will give you step by step instructions on how to teach and implement this in your classroom.

I know that these past few posts must feel like I am working for the CAFE book, and plugging the book to gain some profit. But I assure you.. I AM NOT!! I have just never seen a language program outlined in such a comprehensive way. If you are a primary teacher, you know what I am talking about!!

And now for the baking....
(what a great segway!)

Here are some scrumdiddlyumptious T.V. dinner cupcakes I made for friends who had us over for dinner... side note... getting invited for dinner inspires me to make cupcakes!

2 Chicken legs, mashed potatoes with gravy and butter, and peas and carrots

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