
Friday, August 12, 2011

Absence makes the heart fonder

Well... it's true... I fell behind in my blogging. Truth be told I had a bit of a bubble pop, and I ended up second guessing my entire process for next year, and that really put a halt on my creative juices. But I'm back in the swing of things, and I am ready to continue all of my plans with confidence and creativity!! YAY ME!!

I do have lots of news to share...

1. I made the cutest invitations to a Kids party I am having at my house.. so sweet

2. I have some before and after shots of my classroom!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEK!!!! It's coming along, and looking great so far! My best find was these really awesome Ikea frames for 99 cents!!! I am using them around the classroom to create a warm, inviting feel and showcasing different Canadian artists. The first series will be aboriginal artists in Canada (because that is our first social studies unit.. and lets face it.. I love aboriginal art), on the back of each painting/drawing there is some information about where the artist is from, and some reflection questions that can generate thought about the art. For the first series I will have the students choose one of the 4 paintings and answer the questions in their journals. I think it will be so super fun!


(I got a headstart and placed some student binders before I took the pic) 

AFTER (the first day... it's not close to done yet!):
(teacher corner)

(gathering space - doesn't it look inviting?! Also.. this is my $20 garage sale rug!!)

(the start of my Literacy lake -- everything is blue!! Also.. note the uber cute coffee table, perfect for working and gathering!)

(more Literacy Lake)

(The amazing frames for the Canadian Artist series!! Soooooo cute)

3. I have been getting so many requests for baked goods lately!!! It is just amazing!!! Right now I have a wedding cake and a shower cake in the planning phase, 2 orders of shower cupcakes, and 2 different orders for wedding paper crafts (one of them is a customized roulette wheel!!) So all of these requests have really got me thinking seriously about starting up Chelly's Goodies again (for those of you who don't know me, Chelly's Goodies was a small company that I had set up in University, where I would make clothes, soaps, and jewelry and sell/trade them online and at festivals).
It has been a dream of mine for quite some time to have my own space/store for all the things I love.. baking, crafting, sewing. But I don't have the time away from my passion (teaching) to actually get a space like that set up. My wonderful husband came up with a great idea (after hearing my ideas.. yet again), that maybe I could just do something in the summer, out of our house. I could set up workshops where people could come in and craft together while I teach them something new. Kind of a make and take..
I am really liking this idea.. and it has been brewing around in my head for about a week now, growing in strength.
So... my question goes out to you, do you think this is something you would be interested in? Let's face it, the people reading my blog are the ones who are interested in my work, the ones who would partake in such an event.

and now.. the baking!!!!
It's been so long since my last post (sorry again!! It's hard staying on schedule in the summer!) and to be honest I have been baking but I havn't been taking any pictures!!! I'm so bad!
So I will post a picture from a fellow blogger, she inspired me to recreate this idea for a girly party I had in July. It is cake in a jar.. I made blueberry and strawberry, and it was a big hit!
